((Bands We Like)) - Oh My Rockness
Britt Daniel of Spoon and Dan Boeckner of Wolf Parade/Handsome Furs.
Shimmering shoegaze dream pop going 28 years strong.
Twin Shadow's bass player gots a new gig.
Float away to this hazy dream-ness.
Exceptional epic electronic. Like Underworld.
Nathan Williams and his brother make beats.
100% chill.
Perfectly pleasant pop that's like Belle and Sebastian meets Rogue Wave.
This band is all over the place. We're into it.
Ex-Double Dagger drummer rocks out with Roomrunner.
This band rules. Just thought you should know.
Sometimes you gotta go low, you know?
They're super tight. They rock out.
The "alt" Spice Girls?
Happy nostalgic rock for angry people. Or, angry nostalgic rock for happy people.