The Best Shows This Weekend! - Oh My Rockness

Rockness Recommends

The Best Shows This Weekend!

January 26, 2014

Written by Patrick McNamara

Welcome to The Emo Revival.

This week’s dynamic feature is about heartbreak and hope and leaning on your friends when you need them.

Read and stream The Best Shows This Weekend with me.

And may all your diaries’ dreams come true.

Thursday - January 30th, 2014 A.D.

Dum Dum Girls play Mercury Lounge tonight. This is a fairly small venue for them. And this show is sold-out. Crowd sourcing time (for the all 13 of you who are still with me): should I mention shows on here that are already sold-out? I’ve been struggling with this issue a great deal. And I just don’t know what the correct call is. But one thing is certain, I must be absolutely sure before I act. Until then, I will fluctuate between telling you about sold-out shows and not telling you about sold-out shows. Because with great blob power comes great blob responsibility. Here's a video that has something to do with H & M. Sure. Whatever.

I really like this new band Alvvays from Toronto. VVould you please click on their name and read more of my vvords about them? Anyvvay, they open the goodness at Baby's All Right tonight (with Sylvan Esso and ARP). VVill you decide to go see them vvith me? Still unsure? VVhy don’t you listen to this vvonderful pop song first. And then I think you’ll knovv vvat to do.


The futuro hip-hop beats of Blue Sky Black Death team up with the futuro space pops of Infinity Shred at Cameo Gallery tonight. This should be a good trip. It’s not about the destination - it’s about the journey, man. So hop in your magical low-rider and set the GPS for Mars, sit back, relax, and don’t sweat if you never get there.

Google Docs tells me "futuro" isn't a word. But I don't care. Because I have #punk #rock #ETHOS

OMBRE are DJs Julianna Barwick and Helado Negro. They do a set at some shitty Brooklyn bar called Splitty tonight. Full disclosure: I’ve never been to Splitty and therefore do not know if it is shitty. It’s probably a wonderful and magical place. I just wanted to make the rhyme. Because without rhymes there would be nothing worth anything. Not even Shakespeare. And that would be a shame because Shakespeare is a good goddamn friend of mine. We have very similar writing styles too.

CHEAT SHEET DOUBLE DOUBLE MEAT HEAT. Other notable shows tonight = Lymbyc System at Union Pool + Magic Man at Bowery Ballroom + Prefuse 73 at Output.


Friday - January 31st, 2014 A.D.

By the way, have we ever told you about our CMJ show last year? I can’t recall if I’ve ever mentioned it in this space (that ha ha ha was for you regular 13 who read this thing).

Toronto! Toronto! Toronto! Greys (who are from Toronto - and also destroyed at our CMJ show - and we’ll tell you more about it later - in detail) play Shea Stadium tonight. And ooooh, they be gooooood. If you like loud music made by loud guitars and shouted loudly, these guys could and should be your new favorite band. (And I should mind my own business.) But I’m not going to. (I can read what's in the parentheses too.) I need to step in here and make sure you’re at this show. SO BE THERE. Thus commands and decrees this mighty muzik blob!!!

(And pay no attention to the man behind that curtain!!!)

Hospitality play WNYC’s The Greene Space tonight as part of the Ecstatic Music Festival. If you're a savvy listener, this band’s astutely arranged and smartly constructed PhD pop will make you feel right at home…. (i don’t know, guys, i tried to tie it up in a bow like those real journablobs do - maybe not totally there yet - perhaps the italics were unnecessary - a little too "on the nose" - but hey, it was a good first effort).

Since you aren’t going to be pushed around by a muzik blob and I respect you for that, I’ll tell you about some more good shows you can see tonight. Silent Barn has a solid one with Poverty Hollow + Palehound + Baked + Grass is Green + Radical Dads (hey, i’m one of those!). Hoo-whee, I love seeing all those clickable links! That means you can read more of my complimentary words about most of those delightful bands. Remember. They don’t just link to the band’s website, folks! That would be a little too “on the nose” for Oh My Blobness. We like to keep things saucy spicy loosey goosey righty tighty ‘round here.

Oneida play Knitting Factory tonight. They’re solid. Forever and Ever. Amen. If you don’t know, Oneida are one of the original “new Brooklyn” bands. And if you don’t know what I mean by “new Brooklyn” you probably didn’t live here in the early ‘00s - or, you have a well-researched argument about how “new Brooklyn” can’t exist as a concept unless we’re talking about events that occurred circa... oh, let’s say... 1898 or something. I don’t know anything about all that. I just know Oneida be a good “new Brooklyn” band, yo.

Oh yeah, Ms. Lauryn Hill is supposedly playing The Capitol Theatre tonight. And if she cancels this one again, it better be because she was FUCKING KIDNAPPED (see: last week, i.e. Delorean).

CHEAT SHEET TWEET SWEET. Other notable shows tonight = Drowners and Ski Lodge at Bowery Ballroom + Mark McGuire (from Emeralds - not the one who said he was “in awe of himself” after hitting lots of home runs by cheating) at Baby’s All Right + Doe Poaro at Cameo Gallery + Har Mar Superstar (free) at Knitting Factory + Germans at Pianos.


Saturday - February 1st, 2014 A.D.

Scrolling through tonight’s selections and deciding what to highlight (yeah - we use our own shit) I see that we have the Red Hot Peppers show at Barclays Center listed. Someone is getting fired around here. We can’t have that, folks. We just can’t have that.

TEEN play Baby’s All Right tonight. Hey all 13 of you, remember a long time ago when I couldn’t tell if they were saying my name in this song below? They were either saying “Patrick” or “Electric” (the name of the song) or “hat trick” (they could be big hockey fans, I just didn’t know). Well, I’m pleased to report that since then I have been delighted to discover they are indeed singing “Patrick” (i think) and then devastated to learn it wasn’t about me (i know). Screw everything. All is lost.

Dan Friel and Dinowalrus and some other cooly scattered and forward thinking noisemakers play Silent Barn tonight. This one is recommended if you like to work for your punk transcendence. Nothing’s gonna be handed to you on a silver platter at this show, man. These melodies aren’t going to be put in a box and tied up in pretty ribbons for you, bub. These loud sounds are going to straight spill out all over the place. And only the bold may bathe in it and be reborn. (or at least smell fresher.)

Big Ups play Death by Audio tonight. And for the regular 13 who read this thing, you might be saying, “Geez, Oh My Blob, when are you going to stop talking about those punks?” And to which I shall reply, “Never, Oh My 13ness. Never.”

CHEAT HEAT SHEET AKA MARK MCGWIRE FIRE. Other notable shows = Man Man at Music Hall of Williamsburg + Steve Earle at The Capitol Theatre + Janelle Monae at Hammerstein + Porches at Cameo Gallery + WTF IS RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS DOING ON OUR BLOB?!?!?!


Sunday - February 2nd, 2014 A.D.

Kim Gordon plays MoMA PS1 today at 4pm. And this is the only show you should go to today. Because before anybody did anything - Elvis did some things and then Kim Gordon did everything else.

Flash Oh My 13ness mob at this one. For sure. And afterwards, we can all go back to my place and eat pizza and watch the Super Bowl or, even better, “The Good Son!”


This has been The Best Shows This Weekend in the Year of The Emo Revival. I hope you enjoyed it.

Please write a few pen strokes in your diary about our time together. That way, whenever you’re feeling blue, you can always flip back and remember how a dynamic web feature was there for you when you needed it.

See you next week. I’ll be here with different words about new bands and many I’ve already mention on here a million times. I you promise that.

You can count on me.

(did you hear Kieran is going to start a Pixies tribute band and all the songs are about hoagies?)


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