Hilly Eye: raw power! - Oh My Rockness

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Hilly Eye: raw power!

May 2, 2011
Hilly Eye is a duo featuring guitarist/vocalist Amy Klein (violinist/guitarist of Titus Andronicus) and drummer/vocalist Catherine Tung. Klein has been quoted as saying Hilly Eye sounds like "Sleater Kinney meets Lightning Bolt." Sounds nice and right to me.

This band's songs are powerful and percussive and raw and ragged. It rocks the "riot grrrrl" thing and the "noise thing" and the "psych thing" (and the "good songs thing," too).

This is super stripped down (they are a duo, after all), which makes the power generated all the more impressive. You've got all sorts of super nice guitar jam-outs at work here via Klein (that go SCREECH WAHHHH WEEEEE... you know, things like that) that play out nicely over all the BOOM BOOM BAH BOOMS of Tung.

I'm into it. Nice and gritty times for Hilly Eye, who just released their debut EP Fireworks. It's full of them... fireworks, that is.

Hilly Eye plays Knitting Factory, on Saturday, May 7th, and at Death by Audio, on Sunday, May 8th.


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