BAND WE LIKE: STELLA ((indie/emo/punk))
((Young Guv)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Young Guv

Written by Patrick McNamara
Toronto’s Young Guv is the solo project of Ben Cook, guitarist in Fucked Up. But wait. Does this sound anything like Fucked Up or hardcore? No, it doesn’t. At all. So please erase the band association from your brain meter. This is sun-splashed eccentro power pop with smooth squiggly beats and it's just generally a ray of light on an otherwise cloudy day.
You already know not to think about Fucked Up for the remainder of this band profile, so how about you chew on these names instead? Think Ariel Pink meets Sean Nicholas Savage meets Big Star meets most of the peeps on this Poptopia! 70’s power pop comp and you’ll be on the right path towards deciding if Young Guv is the right buzz band 4 U. It’s poppy. But weird. In the best possible way. Jingle + jangle + wrecks + effects. That's it. You're getting it now.
Young Guv recently released a really good album called “Ripe 4 Luv” on Slumberland Records (The Pains + Joanna Gruesome + Weekend + Frankie Rose + Tony Molina + well, I can’t sit here and name all the good bands on that label so I’m just going to cut it off there) and, below, I have helpfully provided you with two good songs from that really good album.
Please note: these aren’t even my two favorite songs on the record, they’re just the only two I could find after ______ hours of researching so all of this is to say it’s a really good album. But don’t take my word for it. Ask my upstairs neighbors. They’ll gladly tell you how loud I’ve been blasting it lately and quite possibly a few other things about me too (THAT “FUNNY SMELL” IS ME TRYING TO ALLEVIATE MY CHRONIC BACK PAIN).
RIYL: love
File Under: anything but hate