Rockness Recommends
The Best Shows This Weekend!
October 7, 2013
Written by Patrick McNamara
Dynamic web content shall set us free. These are The Best Shows in NYC This Weekend.
(Full Disclosure: I added the “NYC” to “The Best Shows in NYC This Week” strictly for SEO purposes. I feel really terrible about it. But at least I didn’t swap “Shows” with “Concerts.” That would be crossing a fine line leading to a bridge too far.
(Anyway, I’ll let you know if this game-changing strategic business move of adding “NYC” makes Oh My Rockness go big time or not. Fingers crossed!)
Thursday - October 10th, 2013 A.D.
Chad Valley plays Mercury Lounge. And he makes the prettiest pop sometimes. Have you heard his new song? It’s real good and, while I can’t promise anything at this juncture, it just MIGHT...make my 2013 Top Ten Jams list. So hold your breath and stay on the edge of your seat full of pins and needles until that dynamic list is published sometime in December. It’s going to change the world. Anyway, you’re going to want to start playing this new Chad Valley song right……….now.
Palehound is 19-year-old Ellen Kempner. She plays Shea Stadium tonight. And she’s good. I believe I said it best when I said on September 17th, 2013 A.D. that Kempner makes, “sparse, off-kilter “indie rock” (use that word like it was used in 1994) that’s heartfelt and funny and tender and biting and cutting and sometimes sad. She could be singing about her pet carrot or some dude’s raisin scone or about blowing someone away by putting a hole in their brain. Wherever the winds of emotional whim shall take thee, Ellen Kempner - we shall go with you.”
Nobody has ever quoted me back to me before. Not even me. I thought I’d feel different.
Life Size Maps play The Living Gallery in Brooklyn tonight. I like this band and have previously discussed why I like them in this dynamic music content article. But don’t worry. I’m not going to quote myself again. That’s a one time deal of which I am profoundly ashamed, Ace. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll just post a Life Size Maps song - you can listen - and then you can tell me what it is you like about this band. Sound like a plan? Do my work for me? Shhh. Say no more. That’s a deal.
Other notable shows = Jose Gonzalez’ band Junip at (le) poisson rouge + Two Door Cinema Club w/ St. Lucia at Hammerstein + Atlas Genius at Irving Plaza + Kingdom at Output + The Naked and Famous at Terminal 5 + AFI at Webster Hall.
Friday - October 11th, 2013 A.D.
Happy 5th Birthday, Mexican Summer! To celebrate that fine label learning how to hold a pencil correctly and finally being able to tie their own shoes (the secret was in the bunny’s ears), they’re throwing a two day bash at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn. Tonight’s line-up = Ariel Pink + Tamaryn + The Fresh & Onlys + more goodness from their roster. And I’ll tell you about tomorrow’s line-up tomorrow. Just remind me.
Those punks Big Ups play Shea Stadium tonight. You should go. You should totally go. But not if it’s gonna keep you from going to our CMJ show. Because Big Ups are playing our CMJ show on October 15th. And if you’re gonna be all like, “Oh, I don’t knowwww….I just saw them at Shea a few days agooooooo…” then don’t go to this show - come to our show instead. You should really rock both though. That way we’d all be winners here.
Hunters play Death by Audio tonight. Remember everything that I just said about Big Ups? Exact same deal applies here.
Providence’s Container is Ren Schofield. He makes instrumental madness. See him at 285 Kent tonight and ENTER THE MIND OF A SERIAL KILLER. Just kidding. He’s probably just a normal dude who likes to mess with twisted beats. OR, IS HE??????
Bass Drum of Death play Bowery Ballroom tonight (opening for Hanni El Khatib). They rock the good fuzzy-power-garage and come straight outta Oxford, Mississippi. You know who else was straight outta Oxford? William Faulkner. You know who else? Larry Brown. The basketball coach, you say? No. The writer. The very, very, very underrated writer. He’s the best. Get into him. But perhaps this is a conversation better held over at our sister site, Oh My Bookness.
Oh yeah, Bass Drum of Death play Knitting Factory on Saturday too.
Other notable shows = Spank Rock at Glasslands + Two Door Cinema Club w/ St. Lucia at Hammerstein + Unknown Mortal Orchestra at Music Hall of Williamsburg + Gold Panda at Webster Hall + lots more - check that link down there that says “SEE ALL OF OUR FRIDAY SHOW PICKS.”
Saturday - October 12th, 2013 A.D.
Remember that CBGB Festival we talked about all the way back on Wednesday? Well, good news! Today, they’re doing a big outdoor FREE show with My Morning Jacket + Grizzly Bear + Divine Fits + The Wallflowers (? - that’s kind of a record scratcher) + DJ James Murphy. Bad News. It’s in Times Square. Good news! At least the M&M's store is near! Bad News. You’ll want to buy everything you see in that place and WHOA that’s a mighty tummy ache waiting to happen there!
There’s a live taping of IFC’s Comedy Bang! Bang! at NYU’s Skirball Center tonight. And if you have never seen that late night alternative cable television programme - I’m here to tell eloquently tell you - that shit is FUNNY.
Meat Puppets play Brooklyn Bowl tonight. They’ve been doing it since 1980. But if you were alive in 1994 and were old enough to turn on the radio - you’d definitely know this song. To be honest, I'm not sure if I wax nostalgia for this song - or, if it just gives me the howling fantods. It's a tossup.
Prism House play Pianos tonight. I just wrote about this band. Click their name if you don’t believe me. AND THEN NEVER DOUBT ME AGAIN. Anyway, this duo’s beats and visuals will take you to Mars, man.
And finally, those Obits punks play The Rock Shop. Drive Like Jehu. Hot Snakes. Not playing. Just threw those last two bands in, again, for SEO purposes. Because someone’s probably searching Drive Like Jehu and/or Hot Snakes right now, right? Maybe some nostalgic person living in San Diego or something.
Wait I almost forgot! I was going to talk about the 2nd day of the Mexican Summer birthday party. You were supposed to remind me! Well, apparently we all just look out for A #1 ourselves around here. Sheesh. Anyway, the festivities begin at 3pm today. Same place as last night. Pioneer Works. And Spiritualized + No Joy + Lansing-Dreiden + many more bands from their roster are playing. Oh, yeah. Remind me to buy you a drink when I’m there. I BET YOU’D REMEMBER THAT.
Other notable shows = CocoRosie at Webster Hall + Ski Lodge at Shea Stadium + Gold Fields at Brooklyn Bowl + more - it’s all in the link down there - the key to everything has always been in that link.
Sunday - October 13th, 2013 A.D.
Lost Boy? is always a good eccentro-pop time. They play Shea Stadium tonight. And here’s what they sound like live at that very place if you want to listen before you buy. (Remember “listening stations” at record stores? Ahhh, those were the more fun and extremely less convenient days.)
Quasi sure remembers listening stations. They’ve been doing the off-kilter indie pop since 19-Naughty-3. This duo = Janet Weiss (Sleater-Kinney + Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks + Wild Flag) and Sam Coomes (Heatmiser + Built to Spill + he played bass on Elliott Smith’s “Figure 8” album). They play Knitting Factory tonight. And they should tour with Lost Boy? sometime. And I should mind my own business.
Other notable shows = Alice Cooper at The Capitol Theatre (maybe? it was a judgement call) + Nude Beach at The Acheron + Antibalas at Highline Ballroom.
This has been The Best Concerts in NYC This Week. That’s Concerts. Also known as Shows. Or, Live Music. Entertainment. Nightlife. Buzzy! Hot! Mint! Rare! Once again. This has been The Best Live Music Rock ‘n Roll Music Concerts in New York City This Week of October 7th - October 14th 2003 A.D.
I know...I know...I just crossed the SEO line to the bridge too far. But it’s not so bad out here. I just feel a little lonely. And dirty. That’s all. But I can always jump into this cold river and who knows maybe I’ll become friends with a piece of driftwood or something. It’s not so bad. The SEO was worth it. Yes. I’m sure of it.