((Taking Meds)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Taking Meds

Written by Patrick McNamara
Taking Meds is a math rock / post punk / eccentro pop band from New York.
As of this writing (2:15 PM in the Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster) they're set to open a big time free summer show with Against Me! and Cherry Glazerr and have recently played out with Field Mouse, Dikembe and Dolly Spartans.
So they play with good bands!
Blast their latest EP below when you wanna go for a ride.
The riffs go all over the place so try and keep up, alright?
The Players:
Dan Abzug: drums
Ben Kotin: guitar/vox
Jon Markson: bass/vox
Skylar Sarkis: vox/guitar
Published July 30, 2018