((Rye Pines)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Rye Pines

Written by Patrick McNamara
Rye Pines are two punks (singer/guitarist Edward + drummer Alex) straight outta Boston who play skittish eccentro-pop that careens and bends and swoops and swerves toward solid melodies that Edward sings in a really good warble. It's a sloppy nice time and you are hereby invited to join in on this action.
The band (formed a few years ago) recently recorded their six song EP “Dead Ocean” (in February of The Year That I’m Writing This) and self-released it to the World Wide Instraphere. But you don’t have to go anywhere in order to listen to it because I have taken the liberty of copying/pasting the entire album directly below these dynamic digital words. It was a lot of work so the least you could do is press play while you procrastinate from doing more important things.
Also, Rye Pines are probably further proof that Boston’s got a good music scene chilling up there but most of you knew this fun fact already. However, I feel the need to mention that I have been fortunate enough in recent months to profile other similarly good bands from Boston including Krill + Bad History Month + Grass is Green + Kal Marks + well, maybe now I’m just reciting the Exploding in Sound roster. So if you like any of those fine people, you might find yourself enjoying Rye Pines too. I know I do.
You may now have fun playing the album. However, if you forget everything else I've told you here today please remember this - the very best way to stream a dead ocean is to blast it and never look back.
File Under: RIYL
RIYL: File Under