((Pinegrove)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara
Montclair's*** Pinegrove is the excellent DIY folk-pop project of Evan Stephens Hall. Since starting this up somewhere circa 2010 (give or take a year - I do my own research here to the best of my blob-abilities), he's been the vision behind this thing but live this is a band of collaborators. It's not just ESH out there slinging the sonic goodness. No man is an island.
When I listen to Pinegrove I hear a little bit of The Decemberists. Similar vocals, for sure. And Hall himself has name-checked Phil Elverum/Elvrum (The Microphones/Mount Eerie). So maybe those two big time names helps you wrap your mind around things a bit better concerning this good band. I hope so. I want to make this new music discovery as chill of an experience as possible for you.
Hall has self-released several home recordings as Pinegrove. Click here if you don't believe me. But lately things have been picking up the pace. The mighty fine Top Shelf Records (home to: Frameworks, Braid, Sorority Noise, TWIABP, Nai Harvest and too many more good bands to get into here) included the band's DOPE song “Problems" on one of their label samplers and, most recently, the similarly excellent label Run For Cover (home to: Makthaverskan, Cloakroom, Westkust, Turnover and too many more good bands to get into here) released a compilation album of all previous Pinegrove releases (appropriately titled “Everything So Far").
This comp includes a brand new song called “New Friends" which you can enjoy listening to now.
Please note: it's good.
Thanks for loving it.
**** other notable residents of Montclair, NJ = Stephen Colbert, Olympia Dukakis, Alex "Be excellent to each other" Winter, Yogi "RIP" Berra, Buzz "I walked on the mother ____ MOON" Aldrin and how do you like THAT music blob research, man.