BAND WE LIKE: PINK MUST ((experimental post ____))
((Basement)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara
England's Basement are a band that have been around for a bit (what was 2009 even LIKE, mannn?) but I'm just getting around to highlighting their goodness now. Please tell me not my faults - for I already know them.
This harmonious crunch punk crew of five from Ipswich (2 hours and 25 minutes from London in current traffic via A13 and A12) have released several releases over the years and most can be found via intrapage portals on the World Wide Intrasphere (have a look here and here). They even managed to slip in an extended hiatus like any band worth their stuff and up to snuff should.
But the band are back slinging '90s inspired alt HITS with aplomb. Most recently, Basement released a three song EP called “Further Sky" full of fuzz, shreds, and sludge-y sing-alongs and it's the BOMB ('90s slang term). I'll post it for you right below these dynamic words in just a minute.
But first I wanted to tell you that Basement are headlining a show this August at Irving Plaza. Why is this special? Because we're presenting it! LVL UP + Palehound + Adventures are also playing and I love them too. I just wanted to mention this dynamic upcoming event even though such specific information will immediately make this band profile outdated come September. Oh well. It was worth it and welcome to the club, Basement.
Oh My Rockness: not updating band profiles since 2004
* notable residents of Ipswich (other than the five dudes in Basement) include: author Geoffrey Chaucer (some debate this) + professional darts player Mervyn King (he sure could hit 'em) + Academy Award winner Ralph Fiennes (OK he was born in an Ipswich hospital but technically lived there).