Cheap Time rock it out. - Oh My Rockness

Band We Like

Cheap Time rock it out.

November 17, 2008
Jay Reatard. The Muslims. And now, Cheap Time. If you like sweaty retro punk that's lo-fi and fast and sounds crappy in the cool way, you'll love these three young dudes out of Tennessee.

Cheap Time play rapid quick tracks featuring guitar riffs that zoom along at the velocity of a Voidoid. They also rock that fun shitty sound. Oh stop, you know what I mean by shitty (this is a "Band We Like," remember). Their amplifiers sound like they're shrouded in wet cotton, their microphones sound like they're buried beneath layers of aluminum foil. Or maybe Cheap Time just sounds like they're preferred patrons of Radio Shack (if Radio Shack would ever sell electronics that actually, you know, kind of worked... but that's a personal Christmas grudge of a twelve-year-old and his "talking" bear that should be told another time).

Cheap Time's full-length debut is out now on In The Red (The Ponys, Black Lips, King Khan, Vivian Girls).

Cheap Time play at Ash's Place, on Thursday, November 20th, at Less Artists More Condos, on Saturday, November 21st, and Asterisk Art Space, on Sunday, November 22nd.

Go here to find out more about these shows including venue addresses and times.


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