The Best Shows This Weekend!

Written by Patrick McNamara
Thanks for reading this. Welcome to Walmart. I love you.
These are The Best Shows This Weekend.
Tell me which of these you want to see. And the time you will be picking me up.
Note. I will be wearing a teal shirt and an orange tie . Please pick out my boutonniere accordingly.
Thursday - December 19th, 2013 A.D.
They’re / Their / There play Knitting Factory tonight. THEY ARE a super melodic Chicago band featuring members of some other super melodic Chicago bands that you’ve probably heard of. But now seems hardly the time or the place to get into all that. I can tell you, though, that a They're / Their / There song made Our Favorite Songs of 2013 list. And that song is the song I’m going to post below right………. NOW. (make sure you stick this one out - the final 15 seconds is when the magic happens)
The Breeders and Speedy Ortiz play Webster Hall tonight (and tomorrow too). That’s one mighty fine guitar band pairing from two different eras, friends. Here is a song from the ‘90s and a song from whatever we’re calling the 2010s. Listen to them effortlessly flow. It’s all a circle game. Round and round. Up and down.
IMPORTANT! Speedy Ortiz will also play the Oh My Rockness show at Irving Plaza, on Wednesday, January 22nd with Los Campesinos! And you should go to that too! And I should mind my own business!
There’s a concert to Benefit The Phillipinnes at le (poisson) rouge tonight with Philip Glass + Tyondai Braxton + Ben Vida + Prefuse 73 + Satomi Matsuzaki of Deerhoof + Dan Friel. Go to support a worthy cause. And go to one day say you saw Philip Glass. His work is going to outlive most, if not all, of this blobby buzz business. Bet.
Saves the Day play an acousic show at Bowery Ballroom tonight. Those dudes said they were through being cool 14 years ago. And you know what? They were very prescient young men.
Beyonce plays Barclays Center tonight. She just released this new album and it was, like, this really big surprise. Perhaps you were lucky to get this information smeared all over you while perusing the leading indie alt blobs. Sorry, Beyonce. We’re all booked up here.
Friday - December 20th, 2013 A.D.
Anamanaguchi play Terminal 5 tonight (and Saturday night too). Actually, they open the show. Dillon Francis and Cashmere Cat lead the way. But I don’t know nothing about those two people. I guess I could look it up and then pretend to. But researchin’ and posin’ ain’t my style, son!
Anyway, here’s what I do know. Anamanaguchi has been a good band for quite some time. And they keep getting better. Remember when I mentioned Our Favorite Songs of 2013 list when I was talking about They’re / Their / There a few night ago? Well, this song below made it on that list too. Wow! Mint! Rare!
Bleeding Rainbow has been making perfectly sunny psych-y haze goodness for a few years now. They’re from Philadelphia and they play Death by Audio tonight. Did you know that during an average Philadelphia winter, 26% of the days see clouds that cover between one-quarter and three-quarters of the sky? That makes it the 10th cloudiest city in winter in the US. Overall though, Philadelphia has 56% sunny days annually. Did you know that? Great talk, guys. Great. Talk.
(ps: you know what city has the most cloudy days overall? Buffalo, NY. That town's got great architecture - great wingy dip - a great movie - so oh well whatever - that town can’t have everything.)
If you like it late tonight - Vito and Druzzi DJ at Glasslands tonight. They used to be in this band called The Rapture. But then one day not too long ago a great brass trumpet blew from the sky and a bunch of people rose up into the clouds and were never heard from again (some say they’re all coming back in 1000 years - but I’ll believe that when I see it). Remember that day? Anyway, Vito and Druzzi were the only members of The Rapture that were left behind. :( Oh wells! Let’s dance!
Saturday - December 21st, 2013 A.D.
Get ready. Because for this punk - YOU SHALL NOT PAYYYYY! The So So Glos + California X + Potty Mouth + Palehound + Darlings play a free show at Brooklyn Night Bazaar. It’s really loud in there. It’s like, how am I supposed to barter for my assorted precious trinkets with all that racket going on? “I SAID HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT FOR THE KALE SNO CONE MACHINE AND THE MAGICAL WIZARD STAFF!!!!!”
Tennis System play Shea Stadium tonight. I recently wrote a few complimentary words about this band. Because I like their music. And it’s fun to write about likeable things. It’s also fun to post good songs. (not a good talk this time, guys - a GREAT talk.)
Eternal Summers bring their good jingle jangle rock ‘n musical roll to Cake Shop tonight. And can I tell you something if you promise not to tell anyone else? Remember when I was talking about Bleeding Rainbow earlier? I often confuse Eternal Summers with Bleeding Rainbow. I don’t know why. They don’t even sound all that alike. But I mix them up all the time. Again, please keep this extremely candid confession between us. I’d die of embarrassment if it ever got out.
Bring out the cheat sheet! Other good shows tonight = Classixx at Slake (lovvvve hanging out on 30th street between 7th and 8th on a Saturday night) + Anamanaguchi at Terminal 5 (again) + Avan Lava at Rough Trade + Cro-Mags at Santos Party House (no stabbing, please) + Martin Rev at The Bowery Electric.
Sunday - December 22md, 2013 A.D.
Brand New play The Bell House tonight. Say what you will about the emo punk. Say what you will. But come on. This song below is just a pop delight, right? Especially (or exclusively) because of that one part near the end where they harmonize and then the music stops but the voices carry on and in that moment it seems as if nobody can ever hurt us again? If that moment’s not a pop delight - then nothing is. Will you remember that as you listen to this song? Shhh. Say no more. That’s a deal.
The mighty classy Kanine Records has their holiday party tonight at Glasslands. And Bleeding Rai...errr, I mean...Eternal Summers play (again) with Splashh and Little Big League. It should be a good time. Because dogs just wanna have fun.
(behind the blob: i wrote “because dogs just wanna have fun” and then thought, “i bet if i search for ‘dogs just wanna have fun’ on YouTube something will come up - and sure enough - miracles - they happen folks.)
(ps: i didn’t even really watch the video - and neither will you - just yet another thing we have in common, bb boo boo!)
I better end The Best Shows This Week right there. End it strong. Because there’s no better closing than “Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun.”
Have a great week. I look forward to you picking me up.
I know you haven’t given me a time yet. Or even really totally 100% even confirmed anything. But I’ll just go ahead and start getting ready now.
No worries. You just take your time. I’ll just be here…………………….. waiting….. and ready.
See you soon, bb boo!
Yer Pal,