BAND WE LIKE: STELLA ((indie/emo/punk))
((Wild Moth)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Wild Moth

Written by Patrick McNamara
Wild Moth is a band from the San Francisco Bay Area that plays solid fuzzed out punk that sometimes swirls. It's heavy and (slightly) sludge-y but with good melodies that makes their songs sing-able. Hard…. but pretty….. and don't forget swirling too. Get it? Shoegaze! Let's keep talking.
The four guys in this band (Austin + Cal + Carlos + Marc) formed circa 2012 and since then have played a bunch of shows (they are on the road with The Men and PC Worship as I write these very words - 4:12 PM in the Year That I'm Writing This A.D.) and have released some solid sound offerings which you can check out here.
But you might want to start your journey by listening to Wild Moth's second album “Inhibitor" because that's their latest and it's always good to start now and work your way back. Maybe I'll let you stream it in full right below these digitally dynamic words. No promises. We'll see. If you're good.
If band comparisons are why you wake up in the morning, you might like Wild Moth if you like any of the following bands: Dinosaur Jr, Ride, Swervedriver, Hum (any chance to link to that performance is a chance I'm taking). Hope this helps.
OK. Have fun listening.
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