((The Lovely Bad Things)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
The Lovely Bad Things
Written by Patrick McNamara
The Lovely Bad Things are a lovely band that has not one bad thing about them. NOT ONE THING! They are a band of four personages (Lauren! Brayden! Tim! Camron!) and these personages hail from La Mirada, California - a city in southeast Los Angeles county...where the population as of 2010 was 48,527….which is worth mentioning...because the more you know….the more you grow.
This Lovely NOT Bad Things play super tight, jubilant, garage punk that soars to great heights of distorted euphoria. So noisy! So singable! So together! It’s almost like this band actually knows what they’re doing in/up there! You’re going to like The Lovely Bad Things right away if you’re going to like them at all. And if you don’t like them at all, what’s that like? Being a monster? Maybe you’re the lovable kind like Grover. But I doubt it.
The first few seconds after I heard the first few notes of their excellent first song “Here or Anywhere” from their excellent new album (I conveniently posted the whole thing below - because I’m such a sweetie who’s always doing selfless things like that) I was like, “YESSSSSS!” I didn’t actually SAY “YESSSSS!” out loud. It was just LIKE I wanted to say it. Because I was alone when I listened to that song. And I don’t talk to myself. I only write to myself. And pretend people are listening.
Did you know the mighty Burger Records put out that The Lovely Things album (called “The Late Great Whatever”) on the old cassette tape? Did you know that Burger Records rules? Of course you did. Because we know good things - you and I. Did you also know that as of this writing (1:19am in the Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster), The Lovely Bad Things are on tour with the similarly euphoric, Diarrhea Planet? (it’s Diarrhea Planet’s world - we’re all just pooping uncontrollably in it) It’s totally true. Like Superman, I never lie. And I can’t see through lead. And that’s where our similarities end.
In closing, The Lovely Things is a good band. And perhaps more importantly, notable residents of La Mirada, California include, “exotic dancer” and adult film “actress”, Janine Lindemuler (time to get a stage name, Janine!) + actor Eric Winter, best known for his role on “Days of Our Lives” + athlete Derrick Williams of the perennial powerhouse Minnesota Timberwolves. Because the more you know...the more you grow.
Published November 5, 2013