((Somerset Thrower)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Somerset Thrower

Written by Patrick McNamara
Somerset Thrower are a solid band of four dudes (Frank + Conor + John + Tim) from Long Island who make tenacious punk that's tough, gravelly and gritty. But good news, this grunge also comes with pretty melodies floating above all the noise and that pretty shit gets me every time because I like to sing along, goddamn it.
I know how much everybody around here loves the band comparison game so I figured I'd play that again with you today. When I first started listening to Somerset Thrower I was reminded why I loved Garden Variety (another solid Long Island punk band) all those many years ago. If that name means nothing to you, well, it's never too late to get into something good. And sometimes Somerset Thrower reminds me of Rocket From the Crypt. Those good gravelly John Reis-ian vocals over those crunchy riffs, you know? I hope so. And I hope these two randomly connected band names help you decide to give these guys a goddamn chance.
The band recently released a five song EP “Falling Swingers" on Dead Broke Rekerds (home to Beach Slang + Iron Chic + well, lots) and I have taken the liberty of copy/pasting the embed code directly below these dynamic words. Please blast it at your leisure. And by your leisure I mean right now. You'll find a positive listening experience in your (very) immediate future and you'll also notice the EP ends with a Smashing Pumpkins cover from back when they were the best band in the world…. and now we have tours with Marilyn Manson…. Sic Transit Gloria.
File Under: Good Band
RIYL: This Album