BAND WE LIKE: CAB ELLIS ((Iggy-esque))
((Parlor Walls)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Parlor Walls
Written by Patrick McNamara
Parlor Walls is a hard-working band* from NYC.
The trio (Alyse! Chris! Kate!) play dark, skittish post (_____) punk that comes sprinkled with some super dope saxophone freak-outs.
Best sax of your life!
If you wanna blitz the ____ out while also feeling vaguely unsettled about the state of things you should give this band a good solid blast.
*we've listed like two dozen Parlor Walls shows on the blob this year alone and sources close to a calendar tell me whatever year this is (_____ A.D.) isn't even over yet!
Published November 1, 2016