((Littler)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara
Philadelphia's Littler (Madeline! Dan! Ivy! Anne!) is a good band! They make fuzzy lo-fi indie pop that also punks out. Do you know what I mean? It's often poppy and snappy and peppy but sometimes it's also raw and angular and ratty. Got it? Cool. I hope this has been a helpful band profile so far!
Since forming somewhere circa 2013 A.D. Littler has released several sound offerings to the WWW InterNetz (listen here whenever you're ready to listen to good songs!) and has played a bunch of shows with good bands, including Worriers, Haybaby, Pill, Gnarwhal, Washer, Doubting Thomas Cruise Control, Mannequin Pussy, Fern Mayo to name but a few and hey whattya know I've written about all those good bands on my music blob before that's why their names are linked like that!
But moving on….
I suggest you start your Littler listening experience by blasting the band's debut full-length album “Of Wandering." You know what? I'll see if I can source that for you so that you can listen to a good album right here without having to brave the wilds of the WWW InterNetz. Hang on.
Littler and I did the heavy lifting. "They" made a good album and "I" copy and pasted its embed code onto my blob.
Now it's your turn to put a little effort into this.
Press play and get into a good band!