((L.A. Witch)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
L.A. Witch

Written by Patrick McNamara
L.A. Witch is a psych garage pop group from…...Los Angeles.
None of the three members (Sade / Irita / Ellie) are witches but they do play in a band that slays like a sorcerer.
Listen to their s/t album below (spoiler: it's good!) and get hazy stoney dazey and then continue on with your day feeling relaxed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
RIYL: Suicide Squeeze (the excellent record label and the most exciting play in baseball) * David Lynch * The Desert * Cherry Glazerr * The Coathangers * Deap Vally * Good Bands
Published October 19, 2017