BAND WE LIKE: STELLA ((indie/emo/punk))
((French Vanilla)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
French Vanilla

Written by Patrick McNamara
French Vanilla is a super solid post punk band from Los Angeles.
Let's meet the players!
Sally (vocals)
Ali (guitar/bass)
Daniel (bass/saxophone)
Max (drums)
Together, these four create angular goodness that's abrasive but still melodic and slip / slides / drives all over the place.
This band works hella hard too.
We've listed over two dozen shows for French Vanilla on Oh My Rockness this year alone, surely securing them a spot somewhere near the top of the “Hardest-Working Bands of 2016" year-end feature we haven't written yet because it's only November 15th.\
(check out our “Hardest-Working Bands of 2015")
(and here's the “Hardest-Working Bands of 2014" -- for old time's sake)
Three more important things you need to know about French Vanilla:
1. This punks out.
2. You can dance….. if you want to.
3. Best sax of your life.
Stream their good four-song demo now.
Please note: works best if you blast it.