BAND WE LIKE: SEWERBITCH! ((songs to howl to the moon to))
((Folk Bitch Trio)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Folk Bitch Trio

Written by
Patrick McNamara
Folk Bitch Trio is a breezy three-part harmonious band from Melbourne/Naarm, Australia that makes pleasing indie pop with a splash of melancholy that's very easy on the ears.
Please get into their gentle and confessional musical goodness at your earliest convenience.
Start by listening to a few of their lushest tracks below (more here).
And then, if you're lucky, go see them play.
(as of this writing, they are making their USA live show debut this fall!)
RIYL: The Roches * boygenius * First Aid Kit * Faye Webster * Julia Jacklin * Ethel Cain * Cocteau Twins *
The Players:
Heide Peverelle / Jeanie Pilkington / Gracie Sinclair
Published August 19, 2024