((Couch Slut)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Couch Slut

Written by Patrick McNamara
I’m not even going to lie. Brooklyn’s Couch Slut terrify me. There’s some big time brutality going on up in this musical goodness. Metal. Hardcore. Thunder Doom. Pain Pop. Call it whatever, man. But I get scared whenever I blast the video below. And I’ve been blasting it a lot. Because I often like to abuse myself. It’s fun!
I’ve been assured from close social media sources that the two women (led by powerful psychotic phenomenal shrieker Megan) and three men in this band are all very nice, wonderful, and kind people. And I’m sure that’s true. But it’s also true that the devil always comes at you smiling. So I don’t know what to believe anymore.
This band is very new. Hell. I couldn’t even find a real picture of them. I had to improvise. How’d I do? Thanks! I think so too. But though they’re just getting the goodness going, Couch Slut has already played shows with Sannhet + Vulture Shit + Pharmakon. And if they keep scaring the shit out of people, you can expect them to play lots more good shows. Because everybody loves going out and abusing themselves every now and then. It’s fun!
Watch this in the dark if you dare and turn it up unless you're chicken. And oh yeah, one more thing. IT'S A GOOD THING YOU DIDN'T TURN ON THE LIGHTS!!!!!!!