Supersystem is sexy. - Oh My Rockness

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Supersystem is sexy.

April 14, 2005
This Touch & Go band used to be on Dischord and they used to be called El Guapo. But they're all Supersystem now. The NYC/DC crew blends the bite of punk with the beats of dance. They throw in some jazzy and trancey guitar lines that, in a way, sound like a more playful version of The Rapture (as a matter of fact, keyboardist Pete Cafarella has played with The Rapture and also recorded Supersystem's latest self-titled debut.) They also have some of those slinky, sexy "Prince" grooves that make you want to throw on some silk pajamas and roll around on pillows full of flower petals (or maybe that's just me).

Bassist/Screamer Justin Moyer (also known as Edie Sedgwick when he feels like putting on a cocktail dress and high heels... talk about H-O-T!) propels this band with his compulsive shouts and yelps. He's where the punk comes in, and he could probably kick Prince's ass (if Prince was handcuffed and blindfolded that is).

Supersystem have recently played with guys like Q and Not U, The Gossip and Pinback. And now that they've got the name thing figured out, it appears they're fully ready to roll and turn haters into lovers.

Supersystem play Mercury Lounge, Wednesday, April 20th.


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